This episode doesn't cover much but not a complete waste of time like previous season's boring episodes. We see a prisoner exchange that Henry can't do math on it because of horomones. Plus, I mostly talk about how most animals try to protect their young. Right?
136: The Walking Dead - 910 - Omega
Ready for your emotional and physical childhood abuse episode you've been waiting for? No? It's just me? Well, it's here anyway so enjoy it. You actually relate to Daryl in this one so strap in/on.
135: The Walking Dead - 909 - Adaptation
Welcome back from the months long break between half-seasons or as I know it: 20 minutes. The entire season has aired and here I am catching up way after the fact. To be fair, I warned you this would happen. I thought I was done with the show but the Whisperers brought me back.
134: The Walking Dead - 908 - Evolution
This episode was recorded straight from your local Jaycee's haunted house! Incredible AND true! Try to enjoy this fun epic reveal that is rushed like crazy.
133: The Walking Dead - 907 - Stradivarius
Maggie ghosts the show to continue searching for a boy in a wall or something. Then it's mostly looking for musical instruments and dogs almost dying. FUN! I mostly spend the show discussing how the victory of a long life and dying of old age in this world still ends in you becoming a zombie. Bummer.
132: The Walking Dead - 906 - Who Are You Now?
This positivity will be the end of me. Prepare for another time jump and more quality character development that I’ve been asking for. They also hint at a possible backstory that they don't want to tell us yet and that proves the writers actually thought about the season ahead of time. I honestly… Haven’t been this impressed with a Walking Dead season in years. Honestly. I… feel like I need to say something terrible here to get back to normal but instead I’ll just tell you to listen to Local H instead.
131: The Walking Dead - 905 - What Comes After
Welcome to The Walking Dead early seasons memory tour! Watch as Rick stumbles between memorable characters from show's past. And Sasha. Sasha was also there. Characters we want to like actually emote and therefor we care about them. Imagine that... Imagine that...
130: The Walking Dead - 904 - The Obliged
It is a weird feeling to be positive about The Walking Dead for more than just a well executed scene. We actually get to watch our characters speak to each other and have inner conflict. Daryl speaks words. I care about the characters. They did it!
129: The Walking Dead - 903 - Warning Signs
I am enjoying this inner turmoil in a way I haven't enjoyed this series in quite a long time. I prefer paranoia over war any day of the week when it comes to television intrigue. Keep it up and you might keep me as a viewer.... Might. I've been down this abusive boyfriend road before though.
128: The Walking Dead - 902 - The Bridge
I know I'm often negative so let me just say: thank you for this episode. It was nice to sit with these characters and actually give a shit about their lives for a bit. I know it will turn into outside forces invading their way of life soon so I'll just continue to enjoy the inner workings of their terrible lives while I can.
127: The Walking Deceased (2015)
Quick synopsis of The Walking Deceased while I was waiting for Frank to get ready to record LIW The Twilight Zone Review. Pardon the Skype call in the middle of it because of the previous sentence. This movie was a real confusing roller coaster and I barely explain it because I'm saving that wad for B-Movie Battle which will air July 1st. You can find that video show on the youtube link below.
126: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 30: New World Order
Ohio is the center of excitement and the location of most of this chapter. If you love Fallout 4's Diamond City then you'll love The Commonwealth! Journey with me as I describe every false leader before we head back to Alexandria.
125: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 29: Lines We Cross
Better late than never watch The Walking Dead TV show. I mean never. Never watch it. Seriously. In this chapter our characters cross lines. State lines? Is that what lines they cross? It isn't exactly clear.
124: The Walking Dead - 901 - A New Beginning (Live Episode Commentary)
I made a change to the show and it's the only way I'm willing to do the show anymore. This is a live episode commentary of A New Beginning so if you want to listen to it that way, awesome. If not it'll be weird because of the pauses between talking. Then afterward I'm doing a quick wrap-up of the episode. I'm making this change for two reasons. 1: This show pisses me off and I don't want to watch it anymore but people like the podcast. 2: I used to watch the episode while taking notes and then review the show for 20-40 minutes afterward and it took up too much time. So here we are. Maybe I'll continue this. Maybe not.
123: The Walking Dead - 900 - Season 9 Preview Special & Predictions
Season 9 is coming. I'm sorry for your loss.
122: The Walking Dead - 816 - Wrath
They did a crazy experiment in this episode and it paid off! They let a group of high school film students make the final battle scene in this epic conclusion to the all out war storyline. They could only afford to film on a hill containing a single tree. The production went well but they lost half of the footage they shot in a fire but managed to edit together one hell of an episode!
121: The Walking Dead - 815 - Worth
I AM STILL SIMON!!! Today we mourn the loss of the only character that made this season watchable. Not that Negan wasn't awesome but Simon was the true shining star of this season. It will never be the same. Phoenix flies away like a kite in the wind away from this show.
120: The Walking Dead - 814 - Still Gotta Mean Something
Feel free to kill Morgan off instead of shipping him off to your other series. Nobody would be sad about his gruesome demise. Feels like we're getting a collection of characters that the show doesn't quite know what to do with. It's like a game of gin rummy with no battle plan for victory. This was a good episode though. Rick kills people to service his eventual turn at the end of the season. That is the only reason he does it.
119: The Walking Dead - 813 - Do Not Lead Us Astray
The battle of the audience's patience begins! Watch as Simon's battle tactic of staying quiet is quickly ruined by his own loud whistling. Maggie mumbles out dialogue. Tara is a human emotion mirror. Good episode though. Except for Morgan. Phoenix also coins the term "zorgy" in this one. Yes, it does stand for zombie orgy. Yes, it is as sexy as it sounds.
118: The Walking Dead - 812 - The Key
I AM SIMON!!! "Greg, The viewers are staring to complain that they haven't seen Rick and Negan fighting face-to-face enough. I know the script is already written for this upcoming episode but can you find a way to shoehorn a scene with them fighting? We don't care how sloppy and stupid it looks. Oh, and can we get some zany, van driving lesbians thrown in for no reason? We have a bet here at the corporate office that we can throw literally anything into The Walking Dead and people will still watch it. - AMC Executives"