110: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 28: A Certain Doom

In Eugene's desperate attempt to be useful, he gets one of the most useful characters killed. What a dick. A mullet-ed dick. Negan finally opens up and really reveals something about himself from before the zombie apocalpyse. The show should start doing this. Hint hint. You whore show. You know damn well you took all those CD's from my car so give them back! Goddamn whore show. Anyway, this is the last chapter for another year so Phoenix will be back in a year or so for chapter 29 and 30.

109: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 27: The Whisperer War

The war against the Whisperererers is finally here! We also finally see a bit more into Negan's past and it's great. Why does every girl want to fuck Carl? Is it because he's the only teenage boy left in humanity? Or is it because every teenage girl has a eye cavity fetish? Find out in this episode. Wait, that isn't discussed here. The answer is yes. Now you know.

108: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 26: Call To Arms

Rick is beaten up by a teenager and loses some teeth. He's falling apart by the chapter. Negan escapes and becomes the leader of The Whisperes for exactly 20 seconds. Wasn't what I expected but that's a good thing. Are you ready for The Whisperer War? I know I am. I know Rick isn't. He will just be a torso and head sitting in a chair barking out orders soon.

107: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 25: No Turning Back

It's been over 2 years since the last comic review so strap in/on for this one. We finally get to see/read the aftermath of the Whisperers murdering half the cast of characters. The aftermath isn't as crazy as you think it would be. Negan is starting to give advice to Rick and that can only lead to great places. Right?