What a twist. Seriously we joke around about horrible dark endings and this was worse than what we come up with. Kudos. Thank you to everyone who suggested this episode.
119: Freddy's Nightmares - 203 - Welcome To Springwood
Let’s see how Freddy can handle television. He could barely handle a film franchise so why not give him more to do?
118: Inside No. 9 - 204 - Cold Comfort
Going off this poster it’s about a workplace with a lot of security cameras? Hopefully a weird little conspiracy episode. Or maybe like The Stanley Parabol?
117: Beyond Belief Fact Or Fiction - 308
Dick is winning. I hate this game.
116: Perversions Of Science - 104 - The Exile
Space Hitler to the rescue!
115: Darknet - 102 - Darknet 2
Fingerblasting to dead bodies is a Canadian right of passage.
114: Monsters - 117 - Taps
Watch this episode and thank us later.
113: Beyond Belief Fact Or Fiction - 304
We go into this episode with the following scores: Dick 29 - Phoenix 26 - Frank 7(6) - Jared (4)
We also get a sequel to that story named Email that we covered which is interesting. Didn’t know they did sequels on here…. I really can’t remember if the original was fact or fiction by now but we shall find out.
112: Inside No. 9 - 505 - Thinking Out Loud
A quarantine episode!
111: Tales From The Crypt - 214 - Lower Berth (Live)
110: Inside No. 9 - 404 - To Have And To Hold (Live)
109: Beyond Belief Fact Or Fiction - 210 (Live)
Going into this episode the scorecard states that Dick has 25 points and Phoenix has 24. Will this episode change things for good? I don’t know because I’m writing this before we actually do it.
108: Inside No. 9 - 306 - Private View (Live)
Remember Friday The 13th? It’s good but this is better which I guess is a compliment. Welcome to our second least favorite Inside No 9 episode. Still really good but here we are.
107: Tales From The Crypt - 310 - Mournin' Mess (Live)
I pregamed at a 5 year old’s birthday party for this and turns out Steven Webber is just as great as we all assume he is. Even when being eaten alive.
106: Two Sentence Horror Stories - 208 - Little Monsters (Live)
We are joined by Frank who barely watched this episode but at least we could discuss fecal matters instead of this episode.
105: Ray Bradbury Theater - 311 - Mars Is Heaven (Live)
Elegy but boring. I Shot An Arrow Into The Air but boring. Mission To Mars but boring. Red Planet but boring. Total Recall but boring. 2001 but boring-er. Heaven but boring. Just Like Heaven only less sad and more boring. And less hair and less eye makeup.
104: Creepshow - 201B - Public Television Of The Dead (Live)
103: Beyond Belief Fact Or Fiction - 409 (Live)
Dick is up 22 to the 19 that Phoenix has. Who will perform better? Who will master this episode? Which one of us gets all 5 right which one of us did?
102: Inside No. 9 - 403 - Once Removed (Live)
We simply LOVED this episode. I want to make a joke here but this made our top 4 episode. Thank you Pennyless. Seriously, watch this episode and enjoy.
101: Beyond Belief Fact Or Fiction - 310 (Live)
We are back for more insanity that we never believe. The scorecard is Dick has 18 and Phoenix has 16. Will Phoenix catch up? Will Dick put him in the rearview even more? Only time and Frakes will tell.
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