17: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 9: Here We Remain

Here We Remain wasn't too thick on plot so Phoenix did a bit of story-telling before the actual review starts. He touches on hating the sports/comics chasm, exactly how many TWD comics there are and how much money you'd have to spend to be a completist, Back To The Future Part II day and how dumb the USA Today paper being a day late was. Then he discusses the comic and how crazy everyone is getting.

16: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 8: Made To Suffer

Made To Suffer is when they decided to thin the herd. Cut the bullshit characters, even if they are infants. Fuck it. Hit the reset button. I'm very glad they did. Thin Lizzy would love the plot of this one too. Trust me. It's a reference. The Governor gets his revenge!....er...revenge for the revenge that was taken out on him....it's confusing but awesome.

15: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 7: The Calm Before

The Calm Before is a warning about the next chapter when the shit hits the cartoon fan. This chapter however.... just lounges around a lot for the most part. Lori has Shane's baby (because he pumped her full of semen), Dale is bitten (but it doesn't matter), and Carol fucks a child. It's fun on a zombie bun.

13: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 6: This Sorrowful Life

In this chapter Michone nails a dick to a board. That should be enough to scare you off but she does more terrible shit in revenge. This issue is insanely linear so it's hard to describe without sounding bored. Phoenix does his best though. That's why this episode is so short. Totally give it a listen though, it's funny.

12: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 5: The Best Defense

In this chapter, the Governor is introduced and immediately gets into the business of raping. Phoenix won't touch that subject though. Nope, he won't force his way into the topic. The topic doesn't want to be discussed. Your ears don't want to be hearing about it. Phoenix will not force his way into your ears or any other orifice for that matter. Anyway, this chapter has an awesome quarter back sneak of a twist to it. 

11: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 4: The Heart's Desire

This chapter has the 22 page fight scene you've been waiting for...wait...no it's just between Rick and Tyrese. I didn't want to see them fight at all. Phoenix covers chapter 4 of The Walking Dead comic in a classy fashion, complete with plenty of cursing and racist questions. This chapter has the best ending to a chapter so far. Love it.

10: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 3: Safety Behind Bars

All hell breaks loose in this chapter. Hershel's problems get way worse. The race wars have begun. The quest for gasoline has swept over the barren Australian landscape...wait...that's Mad Max. This chapter has it all: decapitation, sex, zombies, more decapitation, a few more zombies, old man sex and two 8 year olds fall in love. It was all over the place but it was amazing. 

9: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 2: Miles Behind Us

Phoenix can't stop talking about exactly how much sperm Shane deposited inside Lori, Rick's wife. Also how unhygienic fucking in the woods is. If there were a competition between the comic and TV show about the appropriate amount of time to spend on Hershel's farm, the comic wins. There is a lesson to be learned: don't be one of Hershel's kids.

8: The Walking Dead Comic - Chapter 1: Days Gone By

While attempting to remember past seasons of The Walking Dead TV show, Phoenix said fuck it and decided to just reread the entire comic series again. In an effort to not let it go to waste, he decided to do a review on the comic as well as the show. He compares the first chapter of the series with the TV show in a way that only he can.